The group was started by Art Aldrich in 2002. The first meeting was held at the Odyssey Tek offices in Mahwah, NJ with only a handful of members. The intent was to create an atmosphere that would attract members from all over the area. Our meetings are now packed with those FCP users who are eager to learn, share and exchange knowledge. Our monthly meetings are for users of all skill levels so don’t feel intimidated if you think you’re a novice. Think like a user, think like a pro.

Who attends our meetings?

Anyone who has an interest in Final Cut Pro. Members are encouraged to network. We get all kinds of talented folks at our meetings, from editors, to 3D animators to camera operators – the common bond is their love for Final Cut Pro.

What are the meetings about?

Each month we spotlight a specific topic and have a detailed presentation on it. The topics range from editing tips and techniques to the latest video cameras and related production equipment. We have great speakers giving our members in-depth information. We also have the latest news surrounding FCP and video production, Q&A, and a raffle thanks to our sponsors.

How do I find out about the next meeting?

The easiest way is to sign up for our mailing list. We send out 2 messages prior to the meeting each month. We do not allow for other companies to use our list for any reason.

One comment on “About NJFCPUG
  1. I am so excited to find such a group in NJ. I live in Orange NJ and I just googled to see if there is any such group here in Jersey. To my surprise there is. I cannot wait to start attending your meetings and be a full member.

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